Salad Bowl

Salad Bowl

Port of the (semi) popular game Salad Bowl (opens in a new tab) for mobile using Cordova PhoneGap (opens in a new tab).

Yes, I know, web views are terrible, but it was a 72 hour hackathon and we did what we could, and were pretty happy with the result. Now you can play salad bowl from anywhere!

Salad bowl github link (opens in a new tab)

The .apk and .ipa files for android and iOS (opens in a new tab), respectively, if you want to play it yourself.

Note: You can't download directly to your device on iOS (thanks Apple) but you can download the .apk and play directly. Also, just ignore the password and username prompt at the link by pressing cancel to download and enjoy!

Image of the extension!

© Allen Nikka.RSS